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  • #49951
    Post count: 27

    WP 3.8 ja Theme verso 1.52

    1.How can I translate these terms:
    “My wishlist on..”
    “Share on: ”
    I have made a file
    wp-content\plugins\yith-woocommerce-wishlist\languages\ & .po
    but those terms are not translated. I also tried “” & .po
    with no success

    2. Where can I find the instructions how to make the page footer look
    the same as in your demo?

    3. How can I make the left sidebar work on this page:

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    1- We have a Neighborhood 1.64 update out to fix all the issues . Please upgrade to latest version and let me know your feedback

    2 – There are up to 13 widget areas that can be viewed under the Appearance > Widgets menu, eight sidebar areas, and four footer column widget areas. You can select which sidebars appear on the page through the page/post editor. The number of footer sidebars depends on the footer setup that you choose within Theme Options.

    3- please go to page edit and scroll down get Page Meta – > Choose Sidebar -> left sidebar .

    With Best Regards
    Swiftideas Themes

    Post count: 27


    1. I updated the theme. “Share on” and “My wishlist” are still not translated:

    2. How can I change the font-color to white with those widgets as is done in your live-demo?

    3. Thanks I got this working now.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    For 2) You can chnage the colors in the color customizer

    – Kyle

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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