New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Features and customisations

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #131901
    Post count: 94

    Hi, I’ve used Cardinal for a few websites now and absolutely stunned how easy it is to use and customise. Well done!

    We are planning to use Cardinal for a large WPMU website and I would like to check if some customisations are possible.

    Most important. Would it be possible to always show the ‘active page’ mega menu? Could this be done using css only?

    Cardinal uses this button in the header to slide a page over the current page. It pushes down the active page down, am I right?
    Would it be possible to load a page from the site network or external page?
    Would it be possible to have two of those buttons next to each other? Otherwise I would need to look into a third party plugin.

    If no. 2 is not possible would you know a third party plugin that features a multi tab slide-in panel from the top of the page?

    About blog mini. Is it possible to have images alternating on the left and then right. So, first post image on the left, second post image on the right, third post image on the left etc etc?

    For how long do you normally keep the theme up to date? It is going to cost the client quite some money and I think they are planning to keep it for about 4 years. I know, it is a little bit long.

    Silly one…. I know you are busy but would you take on customisation jobs, beyond the theme support? Or even better build additional features on top of the theme? Just if I run in little trouble 😉

    That’s it for now! Thank you!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) So you wan’t the mega menu to always be shown? But that would cover the top of your page?

    2) I’m afraid you can only select a page from the current site

    3) I’m afraid I don’t sorry. If you want to have similar functionality but more buttons you will need to hire a developer to do this for you by analysing our themes code and duplicating it so you can have another button

    4) This might be possible, I would need a link to see if I can do this with custom css

    5) We will continue to update the theme for years, we will always make sure it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress etc. However there will be a point were we stop adding new features to it if the theme stops selling as we will move on to newer themes

    6) I’m afraid we don’t currently offer paid support/development service as we are too busy. I can sometimes take on paid work however the scope of development is pretty minor

    Hope this helps

    – Kyle

    Post count: 94


    thanks for the reply!

    The mega menu would only be 1 row, 50px or so Would that be possible.

    I can edit and customise some php. Would you be able to guide me to which files need editing?

    Unfortunately no link yet as we haven’t started the development of the site.

    Thank you.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) Yes sure

    3) I’m afraid not sorry there’s too much involved. If you want to do it then inspect the code with developer tools, then search the theme for the code, analyse it and try duplicate it.

    4) Ok let us know when

    – Kyle

    Post count: 94


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Thanks Kyle

    Post count: 94

    Just another silly question.

    I’ve found a sliding panel plugin. The Cardinal shortcodes work fine but would it possible to add the swift builder to such a plugin easily?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid the page builder will only work on theme custom post types

    – Kyle

    Post count: 94

    Thanks, just another quick one.
    I have been looking around for the best theme for the website and cardinal comes very close. Only thing is, I need header_layout_6 form dante…. Could that be done easily?

    Thanks again!

    Post count: 94

    Please ignore the last message… it’s being done through the options 😉

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok no problem

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