I have disabled your swift page builder with the following code in my child theme functions.php because it is too tricky to use.
I’d like to use the shortcode generator in the WYSIWYG editor but there is less shortcodes. I’d like to add some more from shortcodes list included in the page builder. (hope I’m clear enough)
So I removed the swift page builder with the following code in my child theme functions.php.
if (!function_exists('sf_include_framework')) {
function sf_include_framework() {
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-theme-functions.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-comments.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-formatting.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-media.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-menus.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-pagination.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-sidebars.php');
require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-customizer-options.php');
include_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-custom-styles.php');
include_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-styleswitcher/sf-styleswitcher.php');
require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/swift-framework/swift-framework.php');
add_action('init', 'sf_include_framework', 0);
So now what should I do to add few more shortcodes within the shortcode list in the WYSIWYG editor. Is it possible?
Thank you for your time and help