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  • #151936
    Post count: 4

    Hi guys,

    I’d please need your help to figure out what might be the bug in my category page.
    The archive/category page is set on Mini layout. Everything was looking alright in my preprod environment but once I moved the theme on the final website (previously using Newspaper theme) some posts’ excerpt incorporate the entire next post.
    This happens only for few of them, and I wasn’t able to identify for which and why.

    There’s a <p align="justify that doesn’t look closed in those cases, but all posts have apparently the same settings – I mean type of content, post format, absent custom excerpt and category.
    Adding a custom excerpt to those articles apparently fixes the issue, but the sidebar still doesn’t fit anymore in the layout. So in the end not a real solution.

    Moreover I’d need the excerpt to be automatically taken from the article’s text and not from the custom excerpt because otherwise I’d need to modify them all (and they’re quite a lot).

    Is there anything you can do to help?
    Any idea of what it may be due to?


    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Actually if you didn’t have any custom excerpts means, it will automatically pick the excerpts from the posts that is what happening here: you mean the sidebar Recent post widget also need to do that?

    Let us know,


    Post count: 4

    Hi Laranz,

    I’m actually referring exclusively to the category page (mini layout list).
    As you can see here ( there are three posts in particular which I identified that break the code by displaying the coming post inside their excerpt.

    The articles I identified so far are:

    They stop to behave that way only if I add a custom excerpt (which is not there for any other post). Despite this can be an easy fix, I would like to find out the bug and avoid it can happen again in the future.

    Thanks for your help,

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The issue is likely something carried over from your previous theme, I can’t find a solution. Any new posts should not suffer this issue

    – Kyle

    Post count: 4

    Hi Kyle,

    thanks for investigating.

    I’ll add a custom excerpt to those three posts and hope the bug won’t show up in the future.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem

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