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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #73848
    Post count: 52


    Thanks again for your help thus far.

    We have been looking all over and can’t seem to find solutions the following problems:

    1. We would like to use the plugin, “Ninja Forms”, but when we activate the plugin the swift page builder does not work and we get the “please wait…..” which then it never loads.

    2. On our website, when you go the contact us page of our site, the parallax image does not appear. Here is a link to the page to see what I mean:

    3. How do you customize the portfolio category filter color (I think right now it is pulling from the inner page background color) or how do you change each pages inner page background color?

    4. How do you get rid of divider lines? Ex: or check out the screen shot (attached file)

    5. How do you customize the color of the contact form fields? (maybe its pulling from the same issue as #3 – see above)


    Post count: 52
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Will check this

    2) The parallax is loading fine for me? (see screenshot) Which browser are you using?

    3) Yes it uses the inner page background color

    4) Add bb0 and bt0 to the extra class field of your parallax asset

    5) It uses the ‘alt bg color’

    Hope this helps

    – Kyle

    Post count: 52

    1. Thanks! Let me know if you need anymore info for that! Our goal for this is to have a customizable contact form for the “request a quote” column, but we want it to be in two columns, not one long form.

    By any chance, do you happen to know of a plugin or form that has that?

    2. I am using Chrome and I just tried it again today and it is still not loading well:/

    3. Can you use any custom css for that?’

    4. Thank you!

    5. Thank you!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) Is there a reason you want to use ninja forms instead of contact form 7?

    2) What do you mean it’s not loading well? So it’s loading for you but not 100%? Possibly your internet connection?

    3) Yes but first check your site in firefox: you need to set the size of your logo

    4 & 5) No problem

    – Kyle

    Post count: 52

    Hey Kyle,

    1. Yes because ninja forms can be separated into two columns unlike Contact form 7 can only be in one long column. Unless you know how to separate the contact form 7 into two columns. (see attached file for what I mean)

    2. Sounds good

    3. Will do


    Post count: 52

    Also, to draw back to this question:

    3. How do you customize the portfolio category filter color (I think right now it is pulling from the inner page background color) or how do you change each pages inner page background color?

    We did what you stated: 3) Yes it uses the inner page background color

    But it works for the (we want the thin yellow line around the grey box like the contact us form)

    But it is not working for this page

    They are both set the same way….thoughts?

    Thanks again for all your help thus far!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    The input fields do not use the inner page background color, but the filters do. Is your inner page background color yellow?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 52

    Yeah – our inner background color is yellow!

    We just need custom css to change the filter color.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Try this css: li > a, li > span, li > div, li > form input {
      background-color: #999999;

    – Kyle

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