New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Error message: php warning…shortcodes.php on line 309

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #101576
    Post count: 1

    Hi! I got my client’s site working perfectly and put it up in my domain to test it…everything worked fine. I put it up in my client’s domain hosted by GoDaddy and I am getting an error on several pages of the site. The photos are also not loading in their gallery page. GoDaddy says I need to ask you, as it doesn’t look like it is their end. He did say something about running PHP 5.4, but I am new to this language and don’t know what that means.
    Here is the error:
    PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: unknown option bit(s) set at offset 0 in /home/scottishball/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php on line 309
    Here is where everything works perfectly:
    Here is where I am getting the errors:
    This is what is in that line in the shortcodes.php file:
    $text = preg_replace(“/[\x{00a0}\x{200b}]+/u”, ” “, $text);

    Yikes!! Please help asap. Thank you ever so much!
    Lily Guild

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Lily,

    Unfortunately things like this seem to frequently occur on GoDaddy. You can see the issue detailed here, and the fix needed:

    This is something they will have to resolve for you.

    – Ed

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