Hi! I have once written to you in the comment section regarding a problem with masonry product showcase. Here’s a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8dm5d9
Basically, the layout can get very messy. I have to say that I really appreciate your work put into this theme and I wouldn’t want to bother you with the problem. However, one of the main reasons why I purchased it was the beautiful masonry layout from Atelier’s demo site. When I wrote to you on theme forest before I though that the layout doesn’t work because I didn’t have enough products. Now, I have intentionally added ten (2 big thumbnails, 8 small, just like in your preview) hoping that it would look as good as yours. I have updated everything to its latest version yet I don’t see ‘order by’ field.
I would really appreciate if you could assist me with it.
Thank you very much –