New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Element titles – replicate in an tag

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #34149
    Post count: 1

    Firstly, an incredibly clean and easy to use theme, a much welcome addition to the market!
    What i’d like help with…
    I want to recreate the same title style used for the titles in the Swift Page Builder Elements in a simple <h> tag (say <h6> for example)… essentially replicating the element titles inside the element. What’s specific about these titles are the underlining and the padding. I’d also need to mirror the font weight and size. Can you advise the easiest way to do this?
    Thanks, Rob

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186

    Hi Rob,

    Can you tell me which element it is? and you want to replicate that with your other stylings too? if you give me the actual URL instead of the screenshot I can easily spot it.

    Let me know, what you got.


    Post count: 1

    Thanks for the reply laranz. I think i figured it out now though. The titles of the text elements are <h3> but i found that i needed to add this class:

    <h3 class=”wpb_heading wpb_text_heading”>This is the title</h3>

    to get the particular padding for the underline.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Glad you found out, and it works 🙂

    Let me know, if you have any other questions.


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