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  • #33667
    Post count: 41

    I want to use the child theme to make some customizations, I thought it might be as easy as preserving the original structure, but it doesn’t seem to work.

    I edited includes/swift-framework/sf-woocommerce.php and put it exactly as that in the child folder, but the changes didn’t take effect unless I modify the original theme.

    How should I do this?

    Also thought to do the same with the languages’ folder, and also didn’t work. 🙁


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Have you also put all the files that reference to this file to the child theme?

    e.g. if you’re having sf-woocommerce.php and that file is referenced from the functions.php (just an example) file in the root of the theme folder, you also need to put this file to the child theme.


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