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  • #290115
    Post count: 1

    Hi guys,

    I just purchased this great theme and i have been trying to figure out how to edit the inline CSS that is beeing printed on each and every page.

    I know code and I would like to change the css by not using the color customizer.

    So, could someone please tell me what file to look in in order to change the html. The precise path would be great!

    As an example i would like to do some changes to the *========== WooCommerce Styles ==========*/ part, but as I write i can seem to find the file in which these styles are written.

    Thanks in advance!

    Post count: 1

    Hi Guys,

    Never mind – found a solution using:

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad you located it. let us know any other queries you have.


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