(In an earlier thread titled “Hiding some details from a Gravity Form” i was working with Mohammad who has been very helpful with some custom css and php last week or so.
We had asked to change ‘Add to Shopping Bag’ to ‘Add to Cart’ – Mohammad supplied php code to put in functions.php. There seemed to be some issues as a result of this – so we are sticking with ‘Add to Shopping Bag’. Mohammad instructed us to remove the php code he supplied – but i don’t see it in functions.php. Wondering if you guys already removed it when we gave you access to our admin. Can you let me me know exactly what code we should remove to disregard our attempt at changing “Add to Shopping Bag” to “Add to Cart”. We are ok with leaving it as is (Add to Shopping Bag).
More Importantly – We have a problem since Updating to 1.8.1
After you instructed us to update woocommerce, your theme and all plugins – we are now having a problem with the Main Navigation Dropdowns/Hover. The dropdown appears but when we try to mouse down the list – it disappears. Home page and several other pages don’t work: https://thikit.com
I just noticed that they work when i put in http://www.thikit.com (though when i do that – the product gallery below doesn’t animate).
On some pages, dropdowns do work (here is one that works) https://thikit.com/product/painted-edge-business-cards/
Hoping you can help me with this. Thanks very much.