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  • #70104
    Post count: 22

    Page URL:
    WordPress Version 3.9
    Theme Version 1.70

    Just have a look at my shop page (link above). The product images are doubling and ‘new’ etc buttons are messed up as well as the layout. I checked it in many browsers and on the phone, it is the same problem.
    I haven’t installed any plugins. I was simply adding hidden products to a stockist catalog page, and all of a sudden – this happened. Can it be because my stupid hosting (establishing data error)?
    All settings are fine, as they used to be few mins ago while the shop was working and looking great.
    Please help, I have the shop maintenance notice while waiting on your response.

    Thank you!

    Post count: 22

    In addition: It might be the Internal Server Error, but I am no expert. I contacted hosting and they could not resolve it so I am waiting for the ticket to be answered there. My suspicion is also of that because I cannot delete inactive plugins, I am getting the Internal Server Error page there. And also, the reason why I suspect so is that, not the catalog shop page is messed up, but product pages layout as well. But as I said, I cannot be sure to why is it so.
    Thank you.

    Post count: 22

    It was a server after all.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I’m glad that you manged to resolve issue .
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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