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  • #105857
    Post count: 12

    Thanks for a great theme.
    I have however a problem with the heading that often – not always – don’t come down to where it should be. Also – for some reason the price is shown double and the theme don’t respond to the settings for how to show the currency. I need a price format like X XXX kr
    I am using multiple currencies.
    Can you please help?
    See the page

    I would also appreciate if it was possible to change what to show on the page. I see no reason for showing contact . categories, tags or questions fields. A switch for showing New, Free and so on… signs on the images should also be possible to turn off.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please can you switch to twentyfourteen and let me know if the issue still occurs? I can’t see this being a theme issue

    – Kyle

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