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  • Posted in: Ability
  • #16477
    Post count: 4

    Hi there again. I have a contact page I want to use.. it doesn’t have a form. I already used the custom page 1 2 and 3. So I tried to set up the title attribute at Blog. Just found out that won’t work right. Can I add another custom page? I can’t find it in the doc. Also.. When I click on Contact in the Main Nav, it won’t even link to where the contact page will go (the bottom).


    Post count: 4

    Also as you can see on the site, i have a Home2 i had to add as a custom page because I couldn’t figure out how to add those 3 link pictures onto the home page. Maybe if you just answered “How to add more copy and media to the home page?” I wouldn’t need the first question.

    Thank you!

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