New Landing How can we help? Atelier Display types

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #258029
    Post count: 498

    1. On the portfolio page I use the standard display type, have 4 columns by default, full width and gutters – this is perfect for desktop. However on tablet for example, the 4 thumbnails are too small would it be possible to have 3 columns under 1200px screen size, 2 columns under 1024 px?

    2. Similar question as above: I use the “gallery” element masonry display type, have 4 columns by default, full width and no gutters – this is perfect for desktop. However on tablet for example, the 4 thumbnails are too small would it be possible to have 3 columns under 1200px screen size, 2 columns under 1024 px?

    3. Can you please check this page:
    For some reason, this page takes 15-20sec to load all the time, while all other pages coming in instantly…

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding 1 and 2, not sure if you have those elements in a row but if they are inside a row you can duplicate the row and change the settings for specific resolutions like the tablet. Then you chose in 1 row to display only in Desktop and the other in mobile/tablet by changing the row visibility options.

    Regarding 3, analysing it with Pingdom tools website, we can determine that the images with more than 1mb are responsible for that loading time, that size it’s just too big.!/bBrT9C/


    Post count: 498

    Hi Rui,

    Thank you for the test, we will make the size of those pictures smaller.

    Regarding your recommendation for 1 & 2, if we setup a row for desktop and another for tablet/mobile, will it slow down the page?
    I was just thinking that the page may need to load the same amount twice…

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. I think using that method of the row visibility the loading won’t be problematic.


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