New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Directory Filter Customization

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #119744

    My client loves the way the Directory looks, but they want to take it a step further from a filtering perspective. They’d like to have the map filter based on category, but in a tab setup.

    If you visit this page on a competitor’s site: the locations show/hide based on the tab that you select below.

    If it matters, we also plan to lay out the page so that the map is about half the horizontal width of the page and put the tabs to the right so that people don’t have to keep scrolling back and forth like they do on the competitor’s site and on our site currently.

    I understand that this goes a bit beyond what the core theme was built to do, but is this something that you can help me to accomplish or can you point me in the right direction to get it done?

    Also, just FYI, from your Support documentation, the links to these images are broken: 🙂

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Thanks for requests, I will pass them on to the developer.

    And thanks for letting us know! We moved to this weekend so some images will be broken, will get these sorted

    – Kyle

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