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  • #240458
    Post count: 10

    Hey there,

    i was wondering whether it is possible to add a separate paypal account for each product in our shop.
    It’s because i am running the online shop with a friend, and we need to separate the money we earn for tax purposes.

    we therefore need the products we sell to be linked to 2 different paypal accounts….
    My products linked to my paypal account / his products linked to his paypal account
    rather than having all payments made into 1 paypal account.

    I was hoping this is possible within a product (some sort of variation of the product)
    or maybe even a plugin???

    Please let me know what options we have and how to implement them.
    thanks a lot in advance.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I don’t believe it’s possible, but you’re better of asking WooCommerce support

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    ok, thanks.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem

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