New Landing How can we help? Atelier Differences between Cardinal & Atelier

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #167107
    Post count: 181


    It is this time of the year again that you have released a new theme so the question is:

    What are the differences with Cardinal?

    I have a complex site (Cardinal) with more than 30 plugins and more than 2,000 lines of Custom code so moving to Atelier should bring some advantages.

    So what are the main differences and advantages? Could you list them?
    Is there a back-end preview available so I could try it?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi Sotiris,

    Will forward this one to Ed, he his the best person to answer this doubts.
    Let’s wait for the reply.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Sotiris

    We’ve spent a huge amount of time developing new performance functionality, which we call “Swift SmartScript”. We detect the contents of a page when you save it, and store meta values based on the content. We then use these values to remove unnecessary scripts from the page, including from selected 3rd party plugins. We found in most tests this removed upwards of 60% of scripts from the page, and greatly increased load times.

    This does require each page to be saved once the functionality is enabled, but there are bulk save plugins you can download.

    We’ve also added built in stylesheet minification.

    In terms of functionality, we’ve worked on greatly improving the mobile experience, especially in terms of shop browsing, with layout options, mobile filters, etc. We’ve also added an option to provide a different logo for the mobile header.

    There is a new slideout menu option, header aux builder, newsletter bar, global header banner, row top/bottom slant styling, and an all round slicker design.

    Unfortunately we don’t have a backend demo for viewing, but it’s the same great backend you are used to with Cardinal, just with the added options.

    Hope that helps!

    – Ed

    Post count: 181

    Thanks for the heads-up. Just bought it for two reasons. A) You are a great team and I want to support development as much as I can. B) I am sure that I am going to enjoy it.

    I need to test locally first though and I am having a hard time to clone the main Multi-site installation with subdomains locally.

    I have managed to transfer the main site + 8 subdomains on localhost, set-up vhosts, connected database etc but I have a big issue. All the subdomains work fine and the home page of the main site. However none of the pages or posts of the main site are working.

    Whenever I click on a page other than the home page I just get a message that says “The requested URL mmm/mmmm/mmmmm/ was not found on this server.

    I am using The Uniform Server Zero as a local server.

    I know it can work especially if you set up WPMU from scratch but I need a duplicate.

    If you are aware of any plugin that can successfully duplicate a Multisite network locally such as the Duplicator plugin does for normal single sites please let me know.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Go to Settings > Permalinks and click save, that should fix the issue

    – Kyle

    Post count: 181

    Kyle you just gave me a great hint. Although I had done it already I did it again and it was still not working. After I saved to the default (non-pretty) permalinks it worked.

    It seems that I had turned the Mod Rewrite Engine Off in the .htaccess file since I had some plugins that control access on the live site and needed tweaking after set-up.

    For yet another time, these things happen when doing such things at 4 o clock in the morning instead of sleeping. So for anyone facing similar problems during late hours:

    “If it breaks, leave it and get some sleep”.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    haha. You are right.
    Already found solutions for problems while sleeping.


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