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  • #31108
    Post count: 31


    I’m in charge of the largest prop auction (< link) for Showtime’s Dexter.

    It’s disappointing to sometimes see the page not fully load even though it isn’t loading anywhere, such as in the attached screen where the menu, logo, and featured image didn’t load in. Refreshing the page once or twice resolves this but it shouldn’t happen at all. I’ve also seen this happen in the cart and account pages, which could be a big issue.

    Searched for this but couldn’t find it… is there a way to create a separate mobile homepage? The homepage can be sluggish on phones and they’re a major part of traffic.


    – Michael

    Post count: 31

    This actually seems to happen more on the cart and account pages, sometimes requiring 3 or 4 refreshes.

    Post count: 31

    Also, the menu doesn’t load on mobile.

    Post count: 31

    Would really appreciate just a response to the mobile issues.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Please edit your existing post rather than add new comments, as this will push the topic back in our queue.

    The issues you’re seeing with loading doesn’t sound like a theme issue, are you seeing it on our demo? It would more likely be a plugin or server issue.

    No way within the theme to create a mobile page, you would need to add a plugin to change this, there are a few out there (

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

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