New Landing How can we help? Atelier Design of the Woocommerce shop page

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #327917
    Post count: 16


    I have some issues with the design configuration of the Woocommerce shop.
    – How can I get the same size of products and categories on the shop page?
    – How can I disable the categories on the shop page? I only need it on the left sidebar, not with the products.
    – How to improve the design? (colors, …)


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You change the image sizes here: WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display. You need to use this plugin to rebuild your thumbnails:

    2) You have WooCommerce set to output shop categories and not actual products. You change this in WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display > Shop page display

    3) You can change all the colors in the live Customizer.


    Post count: 16

    Hi David,

    Since I have regenerate thumbnails, the pictures of my shop gallery superimpose on the price and the text. It didn’t solve my issue with the pictures size, but it add a new one : now I don’t see the prices.

    I can I solve it?

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The image of the shop items should ideally be no less then 520px in width if using 3 columns and a sidebar. Please change the size again and rebuild the images, if you are using 4 columns, increase the width to at least 600px.

    Regarding the incorrect layout of products, this is caused by a JS error that you can see if you look in your web inspector console log.

    Please can you disable all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active and then re-test the page.

    Post count: 16


    OK it works when I desactivate all the plugin, just keeping woocommerce and swift framework.
    But when I reactive them, I have again this issue.
    I can I fix it?
    What is a JS error and how to remove it?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Try to reactivate one by one to figure out what plugin is causing that.


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