New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Design adaptions on Cardinal WooCommerce Shop

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #221241
    Post count: 53


    I’m having a few small design problems with WooCommerce Shop included in my Cardinal based website.

    1) The Navigation does not work properly on the shop page (Tickets, über uns).
    2) The Buttons to “select amount”, “select size” and “add to cart” do not appear!
    3) I wish to remove “Bewertungen” and the “Art.-Nr.:” on all the product pages.
    4) I wish to separate the related products with a horizontal line/shadow and to change the text “Das könnte dir auch gefallen…”

    On my opinion these small adaptions can be done your (amazing!) template – I just did not find out how.
    I also did some research on your support page but I could not find solutions to solve these issues.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) You have the links wrong? Please update the links to point to the correct URL ex: not just your-page

    2) Have you added your WooCommerce variations correctly? please read the instructions and check your product setup:

    3) I do not see that anywhere? Please add an annotated screenshot so I know where that is located.

    4) Please add this custom CSS to your theme options CSS option:

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product.product-display-gallery {
        border-right: 1px solid #000;
    .woocommerce ul.products li.product.product-display-gallery:last-of-type {
        border: none;


    Post count: 53

    Hi David

    Thank you for your reply.

    1) Then where can I edit the links for the shop navigation?

    2) I did again read all the instructions and check my product setup. On my opinion the variations are correctly settled up.

    3) Attached I send you a second screenshot (see red box!).
    You can also see it here:
    I was now able to remove “Bewertungen”

    4) Thank you for the CSS. This CSS adds vertical lines (see screenshot). I was looking for 1 HORIZONTAL line or a shadow. I wish to separate the related products from the “main” product.
    How about the text “Das könnte dir auch gefallen…”?

    I hope you can help…


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You can change your menu links via: Appearance => Menus. Or do you mean specifically for the shop page?

    2) Can you set your admin language back to English, I’ll setup a test product to double check this as I cannot replicate locally.

    3) To remove the SKU on a single product page, please use this:

    span.sku_wrapper {
        display: none;

    4) Sure, please use this:

    .type-product .related.products, .type-product .upsells.products {
        border-top: 1px solid #000;
        padding-top: 30px;


    Post count: 53

    1) Yes I mean specifically for the shop page. Right now the menu on the shop page does not work. How can I link these?
    (marked with red circle on screenshot!)

    2) Admin language is set to English now. Why the Buttons to “select amount”, “select size” and “add to cart” do not appear?

    3) Works – thank you!

    4) How can I edit the titles “you may also like…”, “description” and “additional Information”?
    (marked with red box on screenshot!)
    the css for horizontal line works – thank you!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) You need to place the entire url in the menu link.

    2) They don’t appear because you have catalog mode turned on.

    4)You can change it by translating it. You can use this plugin.

    Real-Time Find and Replace

    Hope it helps.


    Post count: 53

    1) I did link to the entire url now. Each link appears but they does not work properly – its some kind of displaced. How can I solve this problem?

    2) works now – thank you!

    4) I did install the apps and it works pretty good. But there are some text-parts wich I cant translate with this app -> check print-screens. how can I adapt/translate these texts?

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) The issue is you cannot set a different menu for the shop page. However I think I can help you with this, we can specify what menu to show from with the custom fields for the shop. Please create a new menu, this one will be specifically for the shop page, so will need full links, the other menu will need to be as it origionally was.

    4) Those texts will translate automatically/or are ready for translation – you will need to change the site language. Settings => General => Site Language.


    Post count: 53

    Hi David

    1) It looks like I did not make clear my problem…
    – I want to use the same menu for page and shop. I don’t want a menu specifically for the shop page!
    – I was abel now to link the menu thanks to your help. The menu is linked correctly. Therefor the menu works now.
    – when I klick on an link on the menu, I get linked/forwarded to the correct page/place
    BUT THE PROBLEM IS: I do not arrive on the top of the linked page. I do land “displaced” therefor the TITELS are not visible. I am sorry for language problems but I am sure if you click on only 1 menu-titel you will see the problem.

    4) I changed the language back to german. But these text parts (SEE ATTACHMENTS!) are still not translated.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    This is caused because your menu links are wrong.

    Example, this:

    Should be this:



    Post count: 53

    1) when I use #shopseite it does not work on the SHOP page. On OCTOBER 19 you told me to change it to the complete URL.
    4) how about the translation problems?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) Linking to a page URL is different then linking to a “scroll to” page element on a page. You have not updated the menu links as I suggested #223201.

    2) What app or plugin are you using to translate the theme POEdit? Those translations are likely marked as fuzzy and will need to be approved in POEdit.

    – David.

    Post count: 53

    1) When I update the links to #shopseite then it will not work again on the Shop Page.Remember you guys recommended to me to add the full URL: #222484
    What can be the solution?

    4)I am using the Real Time find and Replace App as you guys recommended: #222484

    Real-Time Find and Replace

    How can I approve it in POEdit?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) On your shop page, are you refering to this: ? This is why I recommended using two menus initially.

    2) That plugin will replace simple strings. For a full translation you will need to also translate the WooCommerce language files. We can help you get this setup, here are our docs: and the WooCommerce docs: You can use PoEdit or Loco Translate to help you do this.


    Post count: 53

    Hi David

    Thank you for the explanations!

    1) I did now create two menus as you told me. The one for the home page ist called “main menu” and the other for the shop is named “shop page”. I was abel to select each menu for hem page, cart, wish list etc. via ‘Page Header / Slider => Page Menu’.

    But I was not abel to select a menu for the shop-page ( and also not for each product-page (
    Where can I set the menu for shop-page and product-pages?

    Further the “cart” icon should only appear with the “shop menu” and not on the “main menu”.
    How can I set the shop icon for the shop menu only?

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