New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Descriptions added to Main Menu & Header Logo Stretched

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  • #132346
    Post count: 12

    I’m having two immediate problems with the new update.

    1) I have a Category listed in the Main Menu; whatever I choose to name this menu item does show up, but it is followed by the description of the category. I’ve temporarily fixed this problem by deleting the Category description. I just wanted to let you know that’s happening and what the short term fix is.

    2) This one I’m not sure how to fix: The logo in my header is stretched vertically, and setting the height in Theme Options > Header Options > Logo Height Override doesn’t do anything. I’ve deleted and re-uploaded the logo, but that doesn’t help.

    Also, when I “save changes” on that Header Options page, I consistently get a “WordPress failure” notice. Not sure if this is a problem with the theme or what it is, but the changes do actually save, so I don’t know why I’m routed to that message.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Have you got any examples of this I can check?

    2) You’ve set your height to 47px, correct? IT should be less than that as the height is 47px when the width is 599px. However the max width of the logo is 370px, so you need to reduce the height (see screenshot)

    – Kyle

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