New Landing How can we help? Atelier Demo Missing Some Conent?

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #254802
    Post count: 137

    I’m working with the demo on a local wp host and it’s missing a lot of content compared to themeforest. E.g. product pictures, shop layouts. Is there a way to get the rest of this content? Should I try loading the content in again – or would that give me two of every page?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Did the demo importer not run to 100%, if it did everything should have been imported.

    If not, you can wipe your entire site and do another import, if you do another import you may indeed get duplicate pages and menus.


    Post count: 137

    Ok I see the problem here. I’m running the demo on AMMPS localhost/wp/. It’s navigating to localhost/shop instead of localhost/wp/shop

    Any ideas on how to resolve this or why it would happen? I’m using a fresh install of WP and can wipe if needed. I would just change the offending URLs but it looks like there’s quite a lot of them.

    Post count: 137

    Seems it happens because the menu custom links assume they’re installed on the base domain as opposed to a subdomain.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I think that situation would only happen in the menu links because they are custom, you will to adjust the menu links to your.
    Or remove the menu items and choose a the pages has item menus and it will always work since the links will be relative and not absolute.


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