New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Demo Import "Agency Two" not working

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #105215
    Post count: 1


    First, thanks for the great work! I just installed the theme on an blank WP 3.9.2DE with all suggested/neccessary plugins except the WooCommerce related plugins. Then I wanted to import the Demo Agency Two. The import runs without any errors but the frontend is not correct. I think, there´s a Stylesheet missing. Please see attached file to see the result.

    I run WordPress on a local MAMP Installation with the newest version of the theme, wp and the plugins.

    Any clue what´s going wrong?

    Kind Regards!

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    Post count: 1

    Perhaps it has to do with the child-theme, I´ve used. I installed and activated the child-theme, which is delivered within the theme package. When I activate the Maintheme, then the depiction is correct

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Looks like an issue with the css file not loading – could be because of an issue with the child theme. Are you using the child theme included with the theme?

    – Ed

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