New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Demo import 101

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #115135
    Post count: 2


    Basically i don’t understand where the imported demo data can be found and modified. So i’m stuck for modifying anything. For instance, i try to add a right sidebar to the Shop Demo 1 on the product grid.

    This is so different that what i’ve been use to with WordPress since the beginning that i feel like i have to retro engineer to simply add a sidebar !

    Can you help me on that ?


    Post count: 2

    Edit : I add that there is no “meta options” showing up on the “Shop” page editor.

    Post count: 2

    Edit 2 : just saw that this is an option in : theme options > Woocommerce.

    But still, for further development, it might be useful to me to know how to modify the shop page template manually.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    WooCommerce pages are auto generated, including the shop page. You create a blank page and assign that page as the shop page, WooCommerce takes care of the rest.

    This is the same with all themes, not just ours

    – Kyle

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