New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Demo Content-Gone thru all documentation and support forums…no luck

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  • #139190
    Post count: 37

    I have purchased this Neighborhood theme assuming I could load it into wordpress and it would be as it shows in your live demo. It does not. I have gone thru what documentation I have found,
    which seems outdated with version 1.02 info and no screenshots are displaying. i have also gone thru several threads in the support forums and it sounds like this is an ongoing issue. I have tried uploading the full xml demo content and the alt xml demo content with only some categories added. The above login info is a fresh install of wordpress.
    It seems to me when I purchase a theme such as this based on what I can see in a live demo I should be able to import the downloaded them into wordpress and get what I see on the live demo with limited technical skills.

    Please help

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The import process depends also from the server settings and it’s something that is not handled directly by the theme it’s WordPress functionality.

    Will have a check in your site and let you know.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Imported major part of the content.

    When trying to refresh the import page to import more images I’m getting a message saying the uploaded xml file doesn’t exist anymore. Seems that something on your server is deleting the demo xml file a few minutes after it’s uploaded.

    Also assigned the menus and the homepage, now you need to instal the theme and also Woocommerce that is not installed.


    Post count: 37

    Getting closer. Still content missing on home page, no menus, none of the Shop page examples are there such as the one in the attached image. On the Shop with left sidebar example there is a sidebar with “Brands”, where is that Brands option? I am not seeing it anywhere.

    Thank you so far for your help. Please get the rest of the demo content loaded in the theme as it shows in the live demo so I can start working on the site.

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    Post count: 37

    I am also seeing this “Broken Theme message at bottom o the Themes page. See attached

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I have import demo content so you can start with it easily.

    Post count: 37

    Thank you! There are still some things missing.

    1.I specifically chose this theme for the Shop page with left sidebar with the “Brands” filtering option. See attached image. Not only is there no left sidebar I do not see an option for creating Brands. Where is the Brands feature?

    2. None of the Shop page templates are there. I click on any of the demo page links from the menu and it actually takes me to my soon to be replaced live site?

    2. There are duplicate menu links.

    3. There is no footer as shown in the live demo.

    Can you take a look? We are almost there.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) You need to go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products and assign the page named ‘shop’ or whatever you called it to the ‘products page’ this will automatically add your sites products to the page.

    Then go to Theme Options > WooCommerce Options and set the right or left sidebar for the woocommerce page, and chose ‘WooCommerce Sidebar’.

    Then go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the widget named ‘WooCommerce Layered Nav’ to the WooCommerce Sidebar

    2) Same as above, you need to assign the page in the woocommerce settings

    3) See:

    – Kyle

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