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  • #151535
    Post count: 163

    Hey Kyle,
    So I bought Dante instead:

    However I need the icons in the left side of the top menu + search in the top menu as well. How?

    Post count: 163

    I’ve managed to get everything fine in the blue top menu, but I still need search in the blue top menu + I need the not blue navigation to not be there.

    Post count: 163

    … and logo centered in regular size.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    It’s not possible with Dante either, the example you provided of Dante was asking how to get the cart in the top header, which it has, then it has a left area for text where you can add social icons.

    If you want to add the supersearch to the top header but also have cart, links, social icons etc then you’ll have to make customisations to the theme, which I’m afraid is beyond our scope of support. While we’d love to be able to support every customisation request, we simply don’t have the time. We recommend that you seek a freelance developer if you need that functionality, potentially from one of the below resources:


    Hope that helps.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 163

    I don’t know if you saw these questions:

    I’ve managed to get everything fine in the blue top menu, but I still need search in the blue top menu + I need the white duplicate navigation to not be there.

    … and I need logo centered in regular size as well.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Again, you can’t have 3 different options in the topbar. If you want all 3 of

    – social icons
    – super search
    – cart and aux links

    Then you will need to use both the top header and the top menu

    – Kyle

    Post count: 163

    Right, but you have not answered these questions, Kyle:

    I need the white navigation to not be there + logo centred (and somehow it is minified right now)?

    Post count: 163

    Hello again,
    I’ve now chosen another header and this solved question 1. However I need the logo to be as big as the one I’ve entered. Why is it so small? And how to remove bag and search from navigation?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Have you set an image height in the theme options? To remove the search go to Theme Options > Header Options and disable to header search

    – Kyle

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