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  • Posted in: Punch
  • #9237
    Post count: 1

    Hi team,

    I have Punch installed on I’ve taken care of everything and at the moment just need to finalize and start getting content out. That said, I have the heading, subheading and top menu load considerably late compared to the rest of the page. Since I opted not to use Google Fonts, is there a way to have them load at the same pace like the rest of the text?

    Also, from a usability standpoint, I would like a way for drop downs to be clearer in the top menu. Right now, I have a unicode character- ▼ but it would be nice if an aesthetic indicator could show that it drops down. Nice to have really but worth consideration.

    Thanks a lot.

    Post count: 1

    One more thing, I’m sorry. I had been troubleshooting this but thought I’d raise it in case you’ve encountered it. Hitting the “Love” button on posts generates a “Sorry, there was a problem processing your request” message even though the “Love” is recorded.

    I’m on an engine-x web server with redis as a front end cache. I also use Cloudflare. I’ve installed this theme on two servers so far, my dev and production, and experience the same challenge. Any insights?

    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    The link you’ve added doesn’t seem to go to your website. Can you post a correct link.


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