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  • #138185
    Post count: 11


    1. Im having an issue with the currency settings. I use WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual for currency. I have swedish SEK (default), USD and EUR. I am able to set number of decimals for both USD and EUR in WooCommerce multilingual but as SEK is my default currency i can’t make any settings there.
    So when i look at the woo commerce currency settings i have 0 decimals for SEK, and that is what i want but the page is still showing two decimal. 299.00 for example. Is this a bug? Any idea how i can fix it?

    2. Why is the option for changing language mobile not showing?

    Thanks in advance for a great theme. And happy holidays!

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Did you try contacting WPML about this? Also did you try editing the decimal points for default language in Woocommerce -> Settings -> General.
    2. The language selection is not shown because there is no enough space in the header to show all those. If you want, you can enable it by using some Custom CSS.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 11

    1. Did som e changes in the CSS that made magic!

    2. I understand why. Im still struggling with the language. As you say, it won’t fit.

    Thanks for your help.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Glad you got it 🙂
    2. Yes, It needs a lot of CSS changes. I will add this that in our features list for the forthcoming updates.

    Let us know,


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