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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #329955
    Post count: 7

    Good afternoon.

    In the WP settings, the date format is, but in the blog the date of the news is persistently displayed as mm. dd. yy.
    Where can I customize the date format of a blog?

    I did as instructed here, but it did not help.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We override that to create our custom date output.

    The function that overrides this is called: nota_post_date() and is located in /nota/framework/core/functions.php this can be overwritten via a child theme by pasting the function into the child theme functions.php file and amending the function as required.

    What format are you looking to use –

    If you would like any help doing this, please let me know and I’ll happily help you amend this. You will need to install the supplied child theme.

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