In Neighborhood, dates are always returned with the get_the_date() template tag.
But the default parameter for this tag is the date_format option (‘Date Format’ on Settings > General panel).
Then dates are always returned with the administration language, even if you use WPML.
In posts/pages: no problem! You can use a child theme and change the code in (e.g.) single.php.
But in archives pages, you have to modify the file named sf-post-formats.php that can’t be included in a child theme.
So, when you upgrade the theme, all the modifications are lost.
Is there a solution not to loose my modifications of the theme?
Here is the modified code (Administration language: English – Website in English & French)
$post_date = get_the_date('F j, Y');
} else {
$post_date = get_the_date('j F Y');