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  • #36572

    Hi there.

    I’ve been setting up a site with your theme and i have a few suggestions to put forward.

    1 – Menu scrolling.
    We have a large page collection and it means we cant use sticky menus due to the length of a menu (you cant scroll down on it so you miss half of the links if sticky menu is on)

    2 – Icon Box Colours
    Would it be possible to specify a colour of each icon box?
    Would like to see the ability to have various colours per page.

    3 – Images flipping/animated like the icon boxes with text on the other side.
    Would this be possible at all?

    4 – Ability to set the size of image displays specifically.
    Currently i believe there is original, medium, small and thumbnail?
    Can be awkward on a page you need to specifically set an image size.

    Other things of note :
    On a note 3 (samsung galaxy, stock browser) the sticky menu for mobiles doesnt work if sticky menus is disabled on the main page, same with nexus 7 (v1) with chrome.
    Not sure if thats a bug?


    Post count: 19

    Maybe you Can add an option to theme in fonts settings:
    change charset for Google fonts

    So all people with polish language have to set charset=latin-ext

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thanks for the feedback, I will forward this to the developer to consider!

    All the best

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