New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante DANTE 3.0 UPDATE – IMPORTANT PLEASE READ

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #197489
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey all!

    Today we are releasing the v3.0 update of Dante, and with it brings some long requested functionality and improvements.

    If you are having issues with full width sections no longer being full width – then all that likely needs to be changed is for you to edit the page, enable the page builder and then save the page again. Also be sure to clear any cache on your browser / caching plugins.

    If you’re having any issues with the 3.0 update, you’ll be able to download the previous release in the comment below, and downgrade safely.

    We hope you enjoy everything we’ve done for v3.0.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you have a child theme, with file overrides then these will likely need to be updated.

    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
    Post count: 20

    This doesn’t work. After you save the page all elements become undefined… And there is no way on defining the elemets width anymore. Also I tried restoring from backup and repeating, one time before wordpress upgrade and the other one post wordpress upgrade, it is the same. I finally restored the web from backup and now I’m on 2.82 version but that doesn’t solve the upgrade problem… Not using Child theme btw.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    That issue will be resolved in an update tonight – apologies for that.

    – Ed

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