Billing details = Faktureringsoplysninger
First Name* = Fornavn(e)*
Last Name* = Efternavn*
Company Name = Firma
Email Address* = E-mail*
Phone* = Telefon*
Country* = Land*
Address* = Adresse* (Placeholder: Street Address = Vejnavn) The “apartment, suite…” placeholder should be empty
Postcode/Zip* = Postnummer*
Town/City* = By*
Ship to a different address? = Anden leveringsadresse?
then repeating the above address formula for alternative shipping address
Order notes = Bemærkninger til ordren (Placeholder should be empty)
The checkbox with “read terms and conditions..” should be = Jeg har læst og accepteret handelsbetingeleserne*
Place order button:
Place order = Bestil