New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Customization – to what extent???

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #12821
    Post count: 1

    To have control of any of the following, is there a “peaceful way” or do I need to edit CSS? If the later, will you advise what CSS files are relevant? And in any case, will you provide support for sites with altered CSS files?

    1. Control of page width (for boxed page layout); header, footer, and top bar heights; varying boxed content fonts and font colors within same box, changing boxed content font and font size and color, or including it within the box, etc.

    2. Is there complete documentation of the short codes syntax; or should the user rely on inference from provided examples, in which case will never have complete control of possible options?

    3. I tried several Google fonts for menu titles and they did not work? Are they fully functional? Any directions.

    Khaled Aly

    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690


    We will provide support to people that have edited their CSS files but we are restricted to custom work

    The best way to add CSS to your theme would be “General Settings -> Custom CSS”

    If you send me a link to your website and I’ll try and give some CSS to sort it out


    Post count: 1

    Thank you Ben…

    I assume then that all the elements I mentioned are not changeable and that I could then add any CSS classes within the box that would override the original class. Please let me know if this isn’t accurate. Site is not online yet, so I’ll contact you when I get to CSS work if encountered problems.

    One question you haven’t answered:
    2. Is there complete documentation of the short codes syntax; or should the user rely on inference from provided examples, in which case will never have complete control of possible options?
    … The square bracket tags are clear, but how could one figure the full set of possible attributes and their possible values. It is not standard HTML or CSS as I understand.


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