New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn Custom work needed

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #308294
    Post count: 111

    I want to add this:
    to a page on its own on my site. They allow you to download all the files here:
    How can I put this into this page: on my site?
    I tried to use the code snippet and it didn’t work. Can you show me how to do it or how to make it work? Or, is it possible for you to create it on the page I mentioned? Open to anything. I have attached a picture of the product that I want to build the “Points Of Interest” on, and another file of what I have created that I want to update digitally. Thank you for your help.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately that customisation is beyond our scope of support as it is more work than a small customisation. We only provide support for theme issues, and at times basic customisations. While we’d love to be able to support every customisation request, we simply don’t have the time. We recommend that you seek a freelance developer if you need to make that customisation.

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