I’m using Types and Views plugins.
I’ve set up a custom taxonomy and a custom field and need to display those at the top of the page.
I’m not 100% sure but i think there’s a conflict with the theme.
It won’t display the taxonomy or custom field.
The plugin page tells me to put in a shortcode like this;
[wpv-post-taxonomy type=”category” separator=”, ” format=”link” show=”name” order=”asc”
But no matter what I do nothing will display;
My site is here: http://ryle.designmutt.com/2014/12/15/the-man-who-bought-a-rainforest/
at the top the code is
by [wpv-post-author format=”name”] | [wpv-post-taxonomy type=”volumes”]|[wpv-post-taxonomy type=”volume”] | | Posted [wpv-post-date format=”Y”] | ([wpv-post-comments-number none=’No Comments’ one=’1 Comment’ more=’% Comments’])
[wpv-post-taxonomy type=”dmpublication”]
[wpv-post-field name=”year_published”]
[wpv-post-taxonomy type=”aside” separator=”, ” format=”link” show=”name” order=”asc”]
[wpv-post-taxonomy type=”category” separator=”, ” format=”link” show=”name” order=”asc”]
I’m using the latest of everything. If you have any ideas why this won’t work please do let me know.