New Landing How can we help? Atelier Custom Menu Widget Bug

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #218263
    Post count: 179

    I have a custom menu called Other Goodies. (see bottom of home page)
    This menu consists of custom links to various pages.
    The first link is to a page called Trunk Shows.
    There are several other links.

    I implemented this using a Custom Menu widget in Footer Column 3.
    The menu associated with this widget is called Other Goodies.

    Normally, clicking this widget works correctly.
    It displays the first link: Trunk Shows.
    It also displays the other links below this.

    Clicking on Trunk Shows correctly takes me to the Trunk Show page.

    However, there is a sequence of user interactions that cause something to replace the Trunk Show
    string with some other label.

    Here is that sequence:

    1. Click on My Account off the left menu icon drop down.
    2. Click on Order #16310 (this is the only order for the login credentials I supplied)
    3. Slide down to the bottom of the page. You will see that the Trunk Show label is replaced with
    the following string: “Order #16310”
    4. Clicking on this new string does link you the correct page (Trunk Shows), so somehow the link’s label is
    is being changed, while the actual link itself remains unchanged.

    Is this an Atelier bug? If so, please advise soonest as to fix. Thank you.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Can you activate Twenty15 and test those steps again, does that still happen?

    – David.

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