New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Custom icon in header navigation

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #173701
    Tina Worthy
    Post count: 5

    Hi, I’d like to put a custom icon at the right hand end of the navigation list in my header. I’ve searched the forums and think that maybe you can’t do this through the theme options. Is there any way that we can do it? Can you write some custom code that allows us to? I’ve attached the draft icon that we might use. Thanks for any help. Tina

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Do you want to insert icon just after search icon?


    Tina Worthy
    Post count: 5

    Hi, yes I do, after the search icon please. We may need to change the icon periodically, can this be done too? Thanks.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please paste this code at functions.php of your child theme.

    function sf_get_search($type) {
    			if ($type == "search-off") {
    			global $sf_options;
    			$header_search_pt = $sf_options['header_search_pt'];
    			$ajax_url = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
    			$search_output = "";
    			$search_output .= '<li class="menu-search parent"><a href="#" class="header-search-link-alt"><i class="ss-search"></i></a>'. "\n";
    			$search_output .= '<div class="ajax-search-wrap" data-ajaxurl="'.$ajax_url.'"><div class="ajax-loading"></div><form method="get" class="ajax-search-form" action="'.home_url().'/">';
    			if ($header_search_pt != "any") {
    			$search_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="'.$header_search_pt.'" />';
    			$search_output .= '<input type="text" placeholder="'.__("Search", "swiftframework").'" name="s" autocomplete="off" /></form><div class="ajax-search-results"></div></div>'. "\n";
    			$search_output .= '</li>'. "\n";	
    $search_output .= '<li><a href="#"><img src="src_url" alt="" /></a></li>'. "\n";	
    			return $search_output;

    You need to change image src and link at end of line of this code.

    $search_output .= '<li><a href="#"><img src="src_url" alt="" /></a></li>'. "\n";

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Can you provide a link and login so we can help you out with this

    – Kyle

    Tina Worthy
    Post count: 5

    It works with your code. Thanks a lot for replying so quickly, we really appreciate it!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Great, thanks Mohammad

    – Kyle

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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