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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #49704
    Post count: 67

    Hi There, this shouldn’t be too difficult: I want a mix between header 3 and header 1

    I want to use header 3, but have the logo in the middle and the text line on the left (“Contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]”) like in header 1.

    I’ve tried to play with the php file (/includes/sf-header.php) for header 3 by copying bits from header 1 to header 3 – but the left side text (“Contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]”) displays above / over the logo on the left (which doesn’t center – it stays on the left side) and the menu moved down a bit on the right with the search icon slightly above it?

    Here’s my code:

    else if ($header_layout == “header-3″) {

    $header_output .= ‘<header id=”header” class=”clearfix”>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘<div class=”container header-container sticky-header”>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘<div class=”row”>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘<div class=”header-left col-sm-4″>’.do_shortcode($header_left_text).'</div>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= sf_logo(‘col-sm-4 logo-center’);
    $header_output .= ‘<div class=”header-right”>’;
    $header_output .= sf_main_menu(‘main-navigation’, ‘with-search’);
    $header_output .= ‘</div>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘</div> <!– CLOSE .row –>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘</div> <!– CLOSE .container –>’. “\n”;
    $header_output .= ‘</header>’. “\n”;

    Any ideas on how to achieve this?

    Help very very much appreciated thanks!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,


    else if ($header_layout == "header-3") {
    $header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '<div class="container header-container sticky-header">'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '<div class="header-left col-sm-4″>'.do_shortcode($header_left_text).'</div>'. "\n";
    $header_output .= sf_logo('col-sm-4 logo-center');
    $header_output .= '<div class="header-right col-sm-4">';
    $header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search');
    $header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '</div> <!– CLOSE .row –>'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '</div> <!– CLOSE .container –>'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";

    If no go, drop me a link/login and I’ll check it.

    – Ed

    Post count: 32

    Hello, I want to do something similar here (Dante) – Where in my child theme should i paste/place the code above.

    Please advise,


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @iquarius,

    You’d need to copy the whole header function into your child theme (function sf_header($header_layout)) and then make your edit.

    – Ed

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