@David Martin I was told to post a new thread so that you can fix my custom fonts issue. I actually tried adding the CSS in a separate file as suggested in the other thread. I think I may have made a mistake in the CSS but if you have an easier fix, please let me know! Thanks so much!
Thanks David but as I mentioned in the other thread, I tried that but the website is displaying Times and not my font. Please see the attached for what the font should look like.
Ah, this looks like it’s related to your child theme.
The custom fonts load in their own stylesheet, it’s looking for this in the child theme and cannot find it. Possibly a limitation of the Redux powered options.
If you add your FTP details, I should be able to help you resolve this.
Sorry David, not quite resolved… The entire website uses the Mocha Mattari font and I can’t use any other font. The body text and H1 are currently set at different fonts but I can only see the Mocha font.
For now the body text should be Trebuchet. I will be uploading another custom font later to replace Trebuchet. I just wanted to see if a custom font works by selecting in the theme options. Thanks!