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  • #36939
    Post count: 49


    Is there any way to replace the WPML area with that of Currency Switcher? The Currency Switcher is really useful because it means that you don’t have to actually translate the whole site for all those different languages. It is available from here:

    Would really appreciate any advice on how to do this, as it is really a great plugin that would fit perfectly with the theme

    Looking forward to your reply

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    you can edit sf-header.php and modify the code

    if ($show_translation) {
    			$aux_links_output .= '<li class="parent aux-languages"><a href="#">'. __("Language", "swiftframework") .'</a>'. "\n";
    			$aux_links_output .= '<ul id="header-languages" class="sub-menu">'. "\n";
    			if (function_exists( 'language_flags' )) {
    			$aux_links_output .= language_flags();
    			$aux_links_output .= '</ul>'. "\n";
    			$aux_links_output .= '</li>'. "\n";

    according to your liking. If you need detailed help I’d recommend hiring a developer of your trust to help you with it 🙂

    All the best!

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