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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #32768
    Post count: 16


    I have (3) issues on this page and hoping you can help me out.

    1. I’m trying to delete the ‘title’ at the top of the page and have unchecked the ‘show title’. However when i save the changes it re-checks the ‘show title’ that I just unchecked. Any solution why this is happening?

    2. I’m trying the create a similar page as your ‘contact 2’ page example with the Google map at the top of the page. However there is a ‘white space’ above the map where your example is flush with the header. Any way to remove the white space?


    Post count: 16

    Sory, meant to include a link –

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) That’s odd. If you save it with the option enabled, and then uncheck it and re-save it, does that work? Do the other meta options save ok?

    2) In the page meta options, uncheck the top spacing option – that will remove the spacing.

    – Ed

    Post count: 16

    None of the above worked.So I recreated the contact page and deleted the old one and the issues are solved. Really odd but it works!


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Glad you sorted it, sounds like the page may have been corrupted.

    – Ed

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