New Landing How can we help? Atelier Collected questions to finish site:

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #284437
    Post count: 34

    Hello, I am loving this theme and am almost finished my site, but have some questions to do that. I searched for answers for each but couldn’t find them (though found many others!) Hope you can help.

    1. YITH WISHLIST: share icons not displaying correctly – they’re ½ cut off, also the email option isn’t showing even though selected
    2. I have a variable product on sale for $59, but it isn’t showing the sale tag or strikethrough of original price ($79)??
    I tested on a simple product and it works perfectly…?
    3. Where can I change all the icons in the information boxes (like the “View Basket – ### has been added to your basket”) to my own image? See screen shot HELP-BOXES
    a. Also where can I change the border colour for these boxes?
    b. And the text to say Cart instead of Basket?
    4. Can I change the button colours from shortcodes. I’ve used the Turquoise option but would like the main colour to be #75bcb8 and the hover colour to be #54cec7
    5. Can we change the Shipping Calculator in the Cart to just be Country? No State or Zip options?
    6. Can we move the Upsell products to next to the shipping calculator rather than below it?
    7. Can we change the colours of the Review Stars only to #eabe12?
    8. Can we reduce the height of the Swift Slider? My images are only 325H but the text sits too high and there is a lot of white space above.
    9. Can we remove the grey gap below the swiftslider?
    10. Is there an option to share by email on product pages?
    11. Is there a way to link to an information pop-up as the attached example? HELP-PUREBABY?

    Sorry the list is so long, I’ve saved them all up!
    Thank you

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Im afraid we can’t answer this many questions on one thread, it’s too difficult to manage. Please post separate threads for each question. They will get answered much quicker

    – Kyle

    Post count: 34

    Will do thanks

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thank you

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