New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Code snippet not rendering – help!

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #321144
    Post count: 1

    Hi there – the code snippet feature isn’t rendering on any of my pages. I am trying to embed 1. An iframe map and 2. An Audioboom playlist onto the page I want to use as home, but the embed isn’t rendering in any case – I just get a blank strip or box on my final page (see attached screenshot).

    The code I am trying to embed is:

    1. Map

    <iframe src=”; width=”800px” height=”500px” id=”map” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    2. Playlist

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”350″ style=”background-color:transparent; display:block; max-width: 700px;” frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”allowtransparency” scrolling=”no” src=”//″ title=”audioBoom player”></iframe>

    Please can you help?

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You are using the incorrect asset. The code snippet it’s to show pieces of code and not to render it.
    Use the Raw Html asset instead.


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