New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Child theme issues after update

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  • #80370
    Post count: 6

    Good morning,
    Today I’ve updated Neighborhood Theme in order to fix some issues wirh IE9 browser. the bugs have been fixed. Yuhuuu but now I’ve find a couple of issues:

    Some of my css styles (in my childtheme) doesn’t work after update. most of them works propperly. May I have a list of the styles that have been renamed in this update?
    For example:
    .woocommerce form.cart button.single_add_to_cart_button, .woocommerce p.cart a.single_add_to_cart_button

    On the other hand.
    I’ve made ​​some changes to files in the folder / neighborhood-child/includes/swift-framework/sf-content-display
    but do not apply unless I replace the file in the main theme.
    same happens to me with the language files
    Could you also help with this?

    My preproduction site:
    Thanks in advance,

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It’s complicated to have a list of the changed css.
    What was your previous version of Neighborhood?

    Can you provide us a specific example of one css change that is not taking effect now?

    Remember to clean the cache, sometimes can be cache issues.

    Best Regards,

    Post count: 6

    Hi Rui Guerreiro!
    Thank you very much.
    I’ve found the issue and I’ve fixed it.
    For example: I’ve been used classes as:
    .single-product .single_add_to_cart_button {
    border-top-left-radius: 10px !important;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 10px !important;
    background: #0078BD !important;
    font-size: 18px;
    and after upadate background color doesn’t work
    so I’ve added .woocommerce before and all of them work fine again:
    .woocommerce form.cart button.single_add_to_cart_button, .woocommerce p.cart a.single_add_to_cart_button {
    background: #0078BD !important;
    color: #FFF;
    Thanks again 🙂

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You most welcome . I’m glad that issue resolved .
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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