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  • #54078
    Post count: 22

    Anyone else annoyed and had negative effects since the theme was updated to one page checkout only? Our conversion rate has gone down and exit rate has doubled on checkout page..

    This was the one of the main reasons I purchased the theme. Cant believe it was removed 🙁

    The way it was before everyone was happy as you had the option between one page checkout and in stages I believe.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    This is not down to us, it is down to WooCommerce 🙁 Sorry

    – Kyle

    Post count: 22

    Hello Kyle

    Really? Just been using a WordPress template that is using stages at checkout like the old Neighborhood theme?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    With the latest WooCommerce? I’m not entirely sure as I am not the developer of the theme but I’m pretty sure we never changed anything at our end unless it was a fix.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 22

    Hello Kyle

    I was told it was changed to one page checkout only due to popular demand? But never understood this as people always had the option between one page & stages within the theme settings.

    All the major brands online use stages at checkout as is the most successful way.

    I let is slide at first as had to give the new way a chance. But can safely say its had a big negative impact. Exit rate at checkout has gone from 10% to 40%.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    So I’ve spoke with the developer of the theme and it turns out, the multistage checkout had issues with validation not occurring until the last page, as this is when woocommerce does it, so we ditched it. But we got rid of that 2 months ago.

    Sorry about that.

    – Kyle

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880
    Post count: 22

    Yes correct mentioned it two months ago but decide to test the effects first. Been testing the affect for the last 2 months and it’s not great. This is why 90% the major brands use stages at checkout.. It improves sales.

    Okay will leave it at that if you cant do anything, bit annoyed. Just thought I would let you guys no.

    Okay thanks for the link.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Major brands may use multistage checkout because they can have per-page validation, which isn’t possible as standard with WooCommerce. This is something you need to feedback to them not us.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 22

    Not at all. You guys sold a theme as having stages at checkout so of course it falls back on you.

    You cant pass the buck onto WooCommerce when you sold a theme as doing something it doesn’t. You have a customer who bought your product mainly for the reason of having stages at checkout, I am sure there will be other people in the same boat as well.

    All of a sudden you remove this feature. Stages at checkout can still can be done using WooCommerce as there are a few themes that still use it as I mentioned to you.

    10% exit rate to 40% of exit rate at checkout has a massive impact on someone’s business and this falls back on you guys. A lot of your customers would of put in a lot of hours setting up there own companies. This 30% difference is worth £100’s – £1000’s a month. People had the option to use one page or stages, just don’t understand why you would remove this. Everyone was happy before!

    Not going anywhere here and it sounds like you wont be adding it back in.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Dean,

    I understand your issue, but everyone wasn’t happy before. The issue was that we had the option and a lot of people weren’t happy as it wasn’t validated at each step – something that we didn’t have the time to add in on top of the WooCommerce integration.

    I’ll do my best to try and get this option re-added in a future update.


    – Ed

    Post count: 22

    Okay thanks Eds

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264


    – Ed

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