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  • #52985
    Post count: 18


    I’m using the child theme. I want to insert a conditional tag to show a different header logo when I am in a specific product category.
    I’ve read about the possibility to add a functions.php file in my child theme folder but I don’t know the correct function to call.

    Can you help me?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Hi, you can do this with css:

    .page-id-15 #logo img {
    display: none!important;
    .page-id-15 #logo {
    background: transparent url('URL_TO_YOUR_IMAGE') no-repeat center left;
    background-size: 92px 21px;
    width: 92px;

    1) Change the page id to the correct one for your page, you can find this in the tag.
    2) Enter the url to your image
    3) Edit the dimensions to the ones of your new logo

    Let me know if this works.
    – Kyle

    Post count: 18

    Thanks Kyle, it seems to work.
    Just a thing about the responsive: it doesn’t have the same behavior of the home’s one….can I solve it trough the css?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Not sure what you mean by it doesn’t have the same behaviour? Which behaviour are you referring to? However yes you will be able to do it with media queries.

    – Kyle

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