I want to change the height of the normal header (I think it’s 99px, to 89px) and the floating header (79px to 69px). Anyway so just -10px for both normal and floating header. What is the best way to go about doing this?
So far I’ve added in custom CSS:
.full-center #header, .full-center .float-menu {
height:89px !important;
.full-center #main-navigation ul.menu > li > a, .full-center .header-right ul.menu > li > a, .full-center nav.float-alt-menu ul.menu > li > a, .full-center .header-right div.text, .full-center #header .aux-item ul.social-icons li {
height:89px !important;
line-height:89px !important;
.browser-ff #logo a {
height:89px !important;
This brings me fairly close to the desired result, however it does not fix the floating header height, and my logo is not adjusting properly when the floating menu activates. See http://www.cindori.org.
How can this be achieved in the best way, and is there anything missing from my code above/will it break stuff?
PS. Super satisfied with the theme overall and it’s vast customisation features. Best quality WP themes out there.