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  • #71974
    Post count: 39

    I am not new to wordpress by any means and I have developed a lot of websites for clients using the platform but this combination of Theme and Woo Commerce has my head spinning compared to using Volusion or Big Commerce for other clients. Just trying to get my head wrapped around this platform as it will be what I use for all clients in the future.

    1) Trying to understand the relationship between the normal categories and the following plugins.
    – WooCommerce Advanced Ajax Layered Navigation ( purchased )
    – YITH WooCommerce Ajax Navigation ( Free )

    I really do not care if I end up using the free plugin as long as I can get done what I need to get done. See attached ( screen1.jpg )… I need a category list on the single product pages and I have heard that by default this is not possible but then I stumbled across this page

    So my questions here are…

    a) How do I get multiple category widgets to display like they do on the demo site here
    How can I make the Color drop down list highlighted in yellow on screen1.jpg be made into a color widget display like the plugin shows here.

    The second I enable the ajax-enabled-enhanced-layered-navigation plugin there is a large gap where nothing shows even if I add a widget for this layered nav plugin. The other widget there is the WooCommerce Layered Nav that I had active ( see screen2.jpg ).

    Post count: 123

    Your fist question, you need to make a sidebar, thats what that category list is on that page. You have to enable the sidebar in the main Woo setting in the theme not woo.

    Second question I cant help!

    Post count: 39

    But I do not think that the demo sidebars are made with the categories widget. It seems the more I get into this system the more I see it is not going to fit my clients needs. She basically saw this theme and then designed her store around it, changing the main navigation to basically what boils down to a mix of categories and pages.

    women’s collections | men’s collections | about us

    for instance… 2 categories and 1 standard page. I thought not a problem with the default menu system that wordpress has but when I go to add a category to my main navigation there are none listed. Almost like the Woo categories are not seen by WP.. Every step I take forward literally finds two more issues I need to deal with. And again, I am not a noob to wordpress.. commence hair pulling.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please follow given below instruction
    1-Wordpress Admin -> Theme Options -> Woocommerce Options -> Make settings according screenshot .

    2- WordPress Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Woocommerce sidebar -> Drop woocommerce widgets here .

    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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